Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday 8/30/08

Dinner: apple (not pictured), whole foods salad - spinach, bell pepper, celery, sesame broccoli, chickpeas, cranberries, baked tofu, blue cheese, and a splash of miso dressing.
Late night: whole wheat bagel with cream cheese (1am - was starving!)
Breakfast: coffee, banana, peanut butter, vita muffin, calcium supplement.
Snack: Dunkin' Donuts latte lite (while walking to Farmer's Market, sorry not pictured!)
Lunch: No picture - out with my mom at the Park View Diner :-) Grilled portobello mushroom with fresh mozzarella, tomato, lettuce, and pesto mayo on whole wheat. French fries on the side!

Peachy Pink roses in my make-shift vase :-)

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